Numerous occasions arise where pet owners irresponsibly abandon their dogs in remote locations without any means of assistance.
Additionally, there are instances where compassionate individuals find themselves in difficult circumstances, strive to give their dog a fighting chance, yet ultimately have to part ways with minimal optimism.
This narrative focuses on an owner from Arizona who deserted his dog in a park, accompanied by a poignant note for passersby.
A Clever Boy, Baloo
When Baloo’s owner left him behind, he was a 1-year-old good boy who had just begun to discover many engaging aspects of life.
Luckily for him, a woman named Lillian Engelhard noticed him in the Arizona park and decided to take action.
She wasn’t certain if he belonged to someone, but felt compelled to intervene.
She shared with The Dodo:I was walking one of my dogs when we passed by a community dog run and saw a dog inside, but no owners were present.
I thought perhaps they had run out of doggie bags and rushed to their car for more, or maybe the owners had encountered some sort of emergency.
Engelhard parked her car and waited to see if anyone would return for the dog; nevertheless, no one showed up.
She suspected that he had been there for quite a while since he appeared dehydrated, hungry, and was anxiously pacing around.
Baloo Enjoys Discovering New Things
Now it was her responsibility to assist him. She approached him, and he was visibly thrilled to see a new person.
His spirits lifted, and he came closer. This was the instant when Engelhard spotted an unusual note attached to him.
The note expressed: It stated, “This dog is not trained!!! *I had to leave him. Please save him (Venom).
It became evident to her from his demeanor that he was a cherished pet who relished being around people.
However, due to his high-energy personality, Engelhard needed to train him to help him gain better focus.
She was extremely pleased with the advancements he achieved in merely a few days. He enjoyed acquiring new skills, knowing how to sit, lie down, stay, and he was also housebroken.
After spending some time with Engelhard as a foster parent, she enrolled him for adoption through Lost Our Home Pet Rescue.
While we can’t confirm if he was adopted or not, I’m certain he is receiving excellent care and is relishing every moment as he learns something new each day.
Had to share this sweet abandoned rare pupper that I found. I made a reel to help the shelter find a home for him
byu/doggddit inrarepuppers