Unexpected Rescue: The Discovery of a Mysterious Animal in Distress

Written By Ash
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While it’s not uncommon to observe birds wandering the avenues of the city, this time, a compassionate individual sensed something was amiss when he spotted a small sphere with wings in Hewlett Harbor, New York.

This duck-like creature was having difficulty on the opposite side of the street, and he felt compelled to take action. Luckily, at that moment, a security personnel was passing through, and the kind-hearted bystander quickly requested assistance.

Although it puzzled the officer why the creature was immobile, he too presumed it was a duckling. To be cautious, he covered it with a cardboard container and contacted a local wildlife rescue organization.

Both the compassionate individual and the officer were in for a surprise.

It Wasn’t A Duckling…

police tape on a boxPin
Source: @wildliferehab_kl

When Karenlynn Stracher, a prominent local wildlife rehabilitator and rescuer in New York, arrived at the scene, she was already quite bewildered by the officer’s explanation. 

“When the officer initially approached me, he claimed he found an injured duckling,” Stracher shared with The Dodo. “I informed him it would be quite unusual to find a duckling this season.”

Regardless, she chose not to jump to conclusions until she truly understood what the situation was about. Thus, upon her arrival, she cautiously lifted the box and finally identified the little creature. 

woman holding a boxPin
Source: @wildliferehab_kl

Indeed, Karenlynn was correct. It wasn’t a duckling, but a pied-billed grebe. Karenlynn mentioned that it was rare to encounter grebes in this region of the country. 

woman holding a grebePin
Source: @wildliferehab_kl

“They’re not typical in this area. They are much more frequently seen on the West Coast,” Stracher informed the officer in a video recorded at the location. “However, they do find their way here. You catch a glimpse of them now and then.”

Regardless of the circumstances, Karenlynn placed her in a carrier and this tiny bird was finally secure.

@wildliferehab_kl https://linktr.ee/cookiekl #wildlife #wildliferehab #wildliferescue #everylifematters #piedbilledgrebe #grebe #strandedgrebe #groundedgrebe #greberescue #birdrescue ♬ original sound – KL the Wildlife Rehabilitator

The Poor Thing Had A Specific Problem

grebe in a bathtubPin
Source: @wildliferehab_kl

Although Karenlynn acknowledged that these avians might occasionally be found in the vicinity, she still could not comprehend why this particular one was absent from the water. 

Sluggish rivers, freshwater wetlands, lakes, and estuaries are their natural environments, yet this pied-billed grebe was discovered on dry land. 

This prompted Starcher to bring the bird home for evaluation. She was relieved to find that the bird exhibited no apparent indications of injury. Furthermore, despite being in an unfamiliar environment, the creature remained relatively composed. 

“It was evident she was apprehensive, but she was not frantic or resistant at all,” Stracher remarked.

There was merely one additional possible issue that this petite bird might be facing. To investigate, Karenlynn filled a tub with water and placed her inside.

The outcome confirmed Stracher’s worst fear, which she validated in the video posted on her TikTok account, showcasing the actual test.

photo of grebe in a bathtubPin
Source: @wildliferehab_kl

“It is evident here that her feathers are becoming damp,” Stracher stated in the video, adding, “Her waterproofing is not as it should be.”

Given that pied-billed grebes spend the majority of their lives submerged, waterproofing is crucial for their existence. This particular one likely hadn’t waterproofed due to parasites, undernourishment, gland complications, stress, or similar issues. 

An adept wildlife rehabilitator, like Karenlynn Stracher, understood well the potential consequences of this situation, which is why she promptly recognized the steps needed to be taken.

Soon, She Will Be Where She Belongs

Regrettably, this issue exceeded Stracher’s expertise. However, she had connections within her professional network, which led her to the skilled specialists at Sweetbriar Nature Center.

She brought this diminutive pied-billed grebe to their facility, where professionals will strive to ascertain the precise cause of her waterproofing failure. Once that’s accomplished and she is restored to her natural behaviors, she will be returned to her rightful habitat.

“We anticipate she will be fully releasable come springtime,” stated Stracher.

In conclusion, despite the challenges this little bird faced that distanced her from her home, the right individuals were located at the right time, and this narrative, hopefully, will conclude with a joyful resolution.

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