Unexpected Intruder: A Shocking Awakening for a Sleeping Woman

Written By Ash
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A resident of Bixby, Oklahoma, was in a sound slumber when an abrupt and unusual noise roused her in the wee hours. Initially, Bonnie Moriarty assumed that her dog and cat were in a spat. 

She could never have envisioned that an enigmatic intruder had entered her abode and was approaching her sleeping quarters.

Moments later, she was met with an astounding revelation. Her cat dashed into her bedroom, followed closely by the strange creature that was undeniably not her dog.

The Enigmatic Intruder Makes His Presence Known

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Source: CBS 17

“I woke up and the cat and the coyote came running into my room. It was still dark,” she recounted.

Moriarty let out a scream as fierce as she could muster. She found it hard to believe what she was witnessing. She swiftly flipped on the lights. That was when she noticed the coyote huddled in the corner of her room.

The moment Moriarty’s dog heard her cries, he bolted to her bedroom and began barking at the coyote. 

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Source: CBS 17

The coyote appeared apprehensive and stood still, unsure of how to proceed.

Moriarty’s husband was out of town, and their children were sleeping upstairs. Upon hearing their mother’s screams, they awoke and descended to find out what was happening.

Moriarty suspected that the coyote trailed her cat into the residence. With the back door left ajar, he managed to push it open effortlessly.

“He somehow just lunged at the door and the door opened,” she stated.

Moriarty calmed herself. She exited her bedroom and secured the door, confining the coyote in the corner of her room. 

The Coyote Is Eager to Return to the Wild

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Source: CBS 17

She immediately contacted the authorities, and soon after, they arrived at her residence.

Three police officers entered Moriarty’s bedroom. They aimed to capture the wild invader using catch poles. After carefully securing a loop around the coyote’s neck, they escorted him out and set him free.

The coyote felt a wave of relief. He eagerly dashed back to the nearby woods in Bixby, Oklahoma. 

This was startling for him as well. Being escorted by the police was far from what he had envisioned when he pursued the cat.

Coyotes occasionally target people’s pets, but they seldom venture inside a home.

This specific coyote appeared to have become overly excited after spotting Moriarty’s cat. Once inside, he became unsure and bewildered. It’s reasonable to surmise he won’t repeat this blunder.

We are grateful that no one was harmed during this episode.

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