Upon retiring and relocating to Oregon, Scot’s father opted to acquire a stunning Husky, referred to as Jackson, to be a farm companion.
Regrettably, Scot’s dad passed away unexpectedly, leaving the family to determine their course of action with Jackson.
Feeling a strong bond with the lovable pup, Scot couldn’t bear to part with him, leading him to decide to move Jackson to Los Angeles, California, and care for him.
A Fresh Start
Even though Scot and his spouse weren’t fully prepared for a dog, they resolved to give it a try and see what ensued.
And, they are pleased that they took that step!
“I’ve never experienced this kind of connection with any dog. My wife spends significantly more time with him, but he has this unique affection for me,” Scot shared.
Jackson cherishes his mother too, yet he revels in playfully bothering her more.
Embracing the Drama
In addition to being an exceptionally handsome dog, Jackson also enjoys being theatrical.
No matter the event, this pup will go to great lengths to ensure he’s the center of attention.