“The Friendly Pooch: Meet the Dog with a Heartwarming Welcome Sign for Neighbors”

Written By Ash
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Meet Potato, quite possibly the friendliest dog on the planet. Alright, maybe not globally, but definitely in her vicinity! Regardless, Potato is an incredibly sociable Corgi who adores greeting individuals as they stroll past her fence.

“Her demeanor is akin to a door greeter at a supermarket,” shared Cee, Potato’s owner.

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From the moment Potato was a small pup of six months, she relished spending her days outdoors, beckoning visitors with her beautiful eyes to come and give her some affection. And indeed, people eagerly came by to greet Potato!

However, circumstances abruptly shifted, placing Potato’s cherished pastime at risk. When the pandemic began last year, Potato’s guardians had to take action so that neighbors could continue to shower affection on the lovely Corgi.

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What was their solution? They created a sign!

“We wanted to assure people it was fine to pet her,” Cee mentioned. “Additionally, she was becoming sad due to the sudden absence of attention. She started barking at familiar faces who normally petted her but had stopped. We thought this would be a delightful way to maintain our connection with neighbors and alleviate some loneliness for everyone during this strange time.”

After some time, they crafted the ideal sign. They displayed the adorable and welcoming message on their fence, and people began returning once more. But now, they had an even greater affection for this pup who spreads happiness.

The coronavirus incident pushed us to seek alternative ways to occupy our time. More and more individuals are taking strolls in their neighborhoods, trying to pass the time more quickly. Potato’s community is fortunate to have her.

A smile here, an adorable face there, and Potato is sure to brighten your day!

“I first encountered Potato while out walking with my girlfriend in our neighborhood,” shared Sean Carr, one of Potato’s neighbors. “With COVID, my photography business had essentially shut down, and she was working remotely. We would stroll around, admiring houses along with the flowers and greenery. One day, we noticed the sign and that charming little Potato. Ever since, we’ve likely passed by at least once a week to see if Potato is outside.”

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The sign certainly contributed to spreading the word about Potato. She’s attracting more attention and couldn’t be happier. Welcoming fans is what fuels her enthusiasm.

“People have been lining up 6 feet apart on particularly nice days,” Cee reported. “We’re considering getting some spacer circles for the ground on the sidewalk. Sometimes, people call her name from the yard while she’s inside, and she hurriedly rings her doorbell to go outside because she doesn’t want to miss out. If the weather is nice and it’s not raining, and we’re here, she’s outdoors all day, from 10 a.m. until sunset.”

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The entire situation encouraged us to lean into our families and recognize their significance. Yet, for Potato, it’s a close contest between her family and her admirers.

“She tends to favor being [with] her admirers over her family,” Cee added.

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