Resilient Puppy Overcomes Severe Skin Infection Thanks to an Incredible New Friend

Written By Ash
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Introducing Finleigh – the canine who has spent a significant part of her early days roaming the streets, just meandering and striving to find shelter and sustenance to stay alive.

Nevertheless, life has not been kind to her, and she endured considerable hardship. At merely six weeks old, she was extremely undernourished, dehydrated, and faced numerous skin issues.

That didn’t imply she was ready to surrender, however. With the little strength she had left, she persevered daily, hoping that someone would come to her aid.

Today, we will share her remarkable journey and how she managed to begin anew with a special someone.

A Timely Rescue

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Source: Paws Show

When Finleigh was initially discovered by her incredible rescuer, meandering through the streets of Texas, the anguish she felt for her was overwhelming, prompting her to take action.

She promptly took her in and drove her to a veterinary clinic for a comprehensive examination, as it was evident that she was facing a multitude of issues.

The veterinarians informed her rescuer that Finleigh was suffering from mange and a secondary skin infection. She was also incredibly frail, dehydrated, and battling pneumonia. 

When her rescuer gazed upon her, feelings of sorrow engulfed her, but she was determined to do everything within her power to aid in Finleigh’s recovery.

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Source: Paws Show

The vets had her on IV fluids and antibiotics for a period. Although this caused a slight fever, it was crucial for her rehabilitation.

After a few days, everything shifted, and Finleigh was capable of eating and drinking as normal. She was showing significant progress in her recovery journey.

They had her on nebulizer treatments and coupage due to her pneumonia, and it was indeed beneficial. 

To combat her worm issues, they dewormed her and ensured she slept in a clean and secluded area.

Remarkable Transformation

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Source: Paws Show

Her rescuer placed her in the bathroom so she could keep an eye on her continuously in case anything occurred.

A few days passed, and circumstances continued to improve. She has become much more stable now as her medications took effect, and Finleigh’s spirits have risen.

She has developed a deep affection for her rescuer and wishes to be by her side all the time. It’s truly heartwarming to witness her tail wagging after all she has endured.

As time progressed, she gained strength and everyone felt immense pride in her. She was a true warrior and it was clear that she was destined to be okay.

Her rescuer now takes her for walks nearly every day, and she revels in the opportunity to discover all the new surroundings.

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Source: Paws Show

While under the care of her special companion, she also befriended a new playmate, Scarlett, with whom she spent nearly all her time playing.

After a little more than a month, Finleigh had completely transformed into a stunning dog, thanks to her rescuer. Her fur had regrown, and she was entirely healthy now.

It was time to include her on an adoption list. This was a challenging decision for her rescuer, but deep down, she understood that this lovely dog deserved a family who would cherish her dearly.

Eventually, Finleigh and another dog flew from Texas to their new home where they got to meet their families. Witnessing her happiness during that moment was incredibly heartwarming.[/embed>
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