The task of a rescuer is far from simple. It entails not only the action of saving but also the entire procedure that follows.
Canines require attention and should be placed in an appropriate setting, which generally includes a proper diet, veterinary care, and instruction in social manners. In certain instances, dogs may even necessitate significant grooming after suffering neglect while on the streets.
Maurice, a small pup rescued from the streets of Los Angeles, California, is a perfect example! When he was initially discovered, his fur was so entangled that he could hardly see anything.
He Was Discovered Just In Time
Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy, a rescue based in Irvine, California, received an alarming call while engaged in another rescue. Her friend Sandra informed her regarding a heavily matted dog wandering the area that required urgent assistance.
As Hall couldn’t reach the location right away, her fellow volunteers, Karla, Yamileth, and Nunez Aky, canvassed the vicinity instead.
They located the dog, subsequently named Maurice, cowering under a car. He was extremely anxious, with layers of matted fur obscuring his entire face. He could hardly see anything.
“Poor baby covered in knotted hair and burdened with a history of never having known affection,” Hall noted in a Facebook post.
As per the rescuers, Maurice had been living on the streets with a homeless owner. His existence was filled with pain and negligence, as he barely resembled a dog. To compound matters, Maurice was clearly traumatized and lacked trust in humans.
Rather than rushing into his rescuers’ embrace, he anxiously hid deep beneath a vehicle and remained there.
“I truly believe that he endured considerable hardship at the hands of a homeless person because the owner mentioned he had left for a long period and returned but didn’t permit anyone to touch him,” Aky expressed on Facebook.
The rescuers took some time trying to coax Maurice out with words of support. When that approach didn’t succeed, they resorted to some tasty treats to gain his confidence.
Eventually, gradually, he relented and allowed the compassionate trio to place a leash around his neck.
The remainder, as they say, is history!
Maurice not only exited the area safely but commenced a transformational journey alongside his rescuers.
A Brand-New Pup With The Most Adorable Underbite
Hall and her team arranged for Maurice to undergo a veterinary assessment at a nearby clinic. After receiving adequate care, there was only one more task remaining – to trim his matted fur and provide Maurice with the appearance he genuinely deserved.
A lengthy grooming session and a devoted group of individuals were required, but in the end, Maurice appeared like a brand-new canine. It turned out that beneath layers of tangles and knots was a hauntingly adorable pup with the sweetest underbite!
Hall and the rescuers were unable to contain their joy upon witnessing Maurice. He truly was a completely transformed dog, ready to embrace life as it was intended for him.
“Today marks the commencement of an entirely new existence. A past erased,” Hall remarked in an update post.
Thanks to Hall, Maurice was successfully relocated to a foster home where he will receive all the affection and care.
When the moment is right, this little pup aspires to find a perfect home and a family to cherish him. After a rough beginning in life, embracing all the pleasures of being a dog is what Maurice genuinely deserves.