Rescue Team Revives Abandoned Dog After Days of Waiting Under Tree

Written By Ash
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It always shatters our hearts when we witness a vulnerable creature struggling to survive alone on the streets. Sadly, this is a reality we face daily.

This situation was no different when compassionate individuals began circulating posts online about a German Shepherd that had remained stationary under a tree in Montebello, California, for several days.

It was indeed a deeply distressing sight and it was merely a matter of time before someone stepped in to lend assistance.

Rescue From Suffering

abandoned dog lying beneath a treePin
Source: Suzette Hall

Upon hearing about the forsaken German Shepherd resting under the tree in Montebello, Isabel Gallardo, a seasoned rescuer from Marinwood, California, hurried to the scene. However, her arrival was met with challenges.

“When I got there, an AC officer had just arrived and I informed her that I was there for him. We spent several hours trying to capture him, she called for backup, yet this boy said ‘not today, ladies’,” Isabel detailed in her Facebook post.

Fortunately, Isabel was connected to numerous rescuers who eagerly responded to her appeal. Among them, a prominent rescuer, Suzette Hall, who provided a trap that ultimately enabled them to secure the dog.

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Source: Isabel Gallardo

Monte, as they named the dog, was rescued from suffering thanks to these generous souls. Naturally, Isabel made sure to acknowledge others who played a significant role in the rescue effort.

She expressed her gratitude to “Laurie Mitchel for countless contributions [she] can’t enumerate, [her] invaluable friendship, and rescue expertise,” along with “Laura [Bobadilla] for serving as the eyes in Montebello.”

Ultimately, Isabel opted to bring Monte home and continue his care.

“A Completely New Dog”

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Source: Suzette Hall

Just a few days following the rescue, Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy, shared some uplifting news via her Facebook account.

“Before and after,” she mentioned in her Facebook post. “This is how it ought to be, in a home and on a bed. Not abandoned lying under a tree.”

She noted that Monte had endured a great deal, and that they are “addressing” all issues, indicating that progress is being made.

Suzette shared that Monte was at the Camino Pet Hospital in Irvine, California, where they diagnosed him with anemia. Subsequently, “he received a medicated bath, flea treatment, deworming, blood tests, an injection for inflammation, plus cytopoint and antibiotics.”

“After a few good weeks free of fleas and on a proper diet, we will arrange for his neutering and dental care,” she stated. “This sweet boy will be a whole new dog.”

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Source: Suzette Hall

As evidenced, Monte is on a favorable course and his future is promising, all due to the benevolent souls who rescued him from suffering and afforded him a new opportunity in life.

“We adore you so much, sweetheart,” Suzette concluded. “We won’t abandon you like they did.”

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