Playful Pup Causes Kitchen Blaze After Playing with Stove

Written By Ash

In the realm of pets, people have long believed that inquisitiveness is a feline characteristic. Cats are typically the ones who enjoy exploring their surroundings, placing their tiny whiskers in areas where they might not belong.

Nevertheless, today, you will discover that another lively companion also allowed their curiosity to take charge.

A pup from Colorado chose to roam around his residence one morning, investigating all its corners and crevices, but when he found himself in the kitchen, he did something that endangered his entire family.

One Inquisitive Pup

kitchen at night
Source: Facebook

While he was exploring the kitchen, the pup spotted some boxes resting on top of the stove.

Believing that something delicious might be inside them, he stood up on his hind legs like a human and gave the boxes a little sniff.

Regrettably, one of his paws landed on one of the stove knobs, which he inadvertently turned on.

dog in the kitchen
Source: Facebook

As the stove surface intensified in heat, the boxes ignited, frightening the pup and causing him to flee.

Fortunately, the pup’s humans owned an Apple HomePod, which sent them a “High Heat” alert that roused them instantly.

One of the humans arose to investigate the disturbance only to be utterly astonished by a small fire in their kitchen!

fire in house
Source: Facebook

He quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and successfully extinguished the flames before reaching out to the Colorado Police Department.

Assistance Is On The Way

“During the inquiry, crews didn’t encounter any active flames but found signs of a fire. The male homeowner managed to extinguish the flames before crews arrived but was later taken to a local hospital for smoke inhalation. No additional injuries were reported for people or pets,” the Colorado Springs Fire Department mentioned in a Facebook update.

Inquisitive about what triggered the fire, the owners chose to review the security footage, which revealed precisely what took place!

“We determined that their pup became a bit too curious and accidentally activated the oven, which had some boxes perched on it,” they added.

Fortunately, no one sustained injuries, and the owners gained an important lesson – never leave items on the stove!

The fire department utilized this incident to remind everyone that an incident like this can be avoided if appropriate precautions are taken.

“This is a timely reminder to ensure you have operational smoke alarms in every sleeping area and on each floor of your residence, keep all flammable items away from your stovetop/oven, and be aware of two escape routes from every room in your home in case of a fire,” they concluded.

I am thrilled to learn that both the pup and his humans emerged unscathed that day.

However, I am equally certain that this little pup discovered a significant lesson that day – leave the curiosity for the cats!

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