Life can be exceedingly harsh at times. It is filled with highs and lows, but it becomes especially challenging when it incapacitates you at the outset and complicates the quest for a joyful life.
Sadly, society is frequently critical, which adds to the difficulties of the situation, and can ultimately devastate an individual.
Yet, there exist compassionate individuals who are perpetually prepared to provide assistance, even to those facing the toughest circumstances.
You are about to encounter a narrative about a man and his organization, whose slogan is “Saving souls”, which rescued this unfortunate creature whose spirit was on the verge of shattering.
Her Differences Served As Extra Motivation
Tye Friis is a person whose passion for animals, especially dogs, propelled him to accomplish significant feats.
He commenced his journey as an animal rescuer but was never content with the conventional cases. His genuine inspiration was to tackle the most challenging issues in the realm of animals.
Consequently, he took the initiative to found an animal rescue organization called B.O.S.S. Farms, an acronym meaning “Built On Saving Souls,” located in Leona Valley, California. In fact, this organization has efficiently salvaged numerous souls requiring urgent care in a very short period.
Among those unfortunate beings was an adorable French Bulldog pup with special needs, whom he affectionately named Nuggy, A.K.A. Chicken Nugget.
Nuggy suffered from incontinence, rendering her unable to regulate her bowel movements and urination. Additionally, she had abnormalities in her hind legs, which complicated typical joint movements significantly.
Nuggy was abandoned as she was unsellable by the breeder. Typically, breeders opt to euthanize such dogs because no one is willing to adopt them.
However, that’s where Tye and his rescue organization stepped in to turn things around. In that instant, her successful journey toward rehabilitation commenced, along with her unbreakable bond with her new foster father.
Beginning Of The Most Effective Rehabilitation
Initially, because she was unable to use her hind legs effectively, Nuggy would hop. According to Tye, she resembled a bunny… incredibly entertaining and amusing.
Moreover, since she could not control her bowel or urine, Nuggy created a bit of chaos around the house, but we’ll spare the specifics on that.
Tye modified her diet to ensure those situations wouldn’t arise again. In addition, while he continually supervises her, he allows her to walk as much as possible to bolster her muscles that bear the weight when moving.
“Within the initial three weeks of her being with me, she was already climbing the small stairs up to the couch to be near my larger dog, Goliath, so that she could clamber all over him,” Tye shared with The Dodo.