Incredible Comeback: Abandoned Anemic Pup Thrives After Rescue

Written By Ash
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Not long ago, while strolling down a street, I came across a homeless puppy residing in a parking area. Initially, I felt quite sorry for him.

Nevertheless, after examining his environment closely, I discovered that he possessed a small shelter and plenty of food. There were compassionate individuals nearby who looked after him each day.

I wish this could be the case for every stray dog. If only more people would show concern and offer shelter or nourishment to animals that require it the most.

For this specific puppy, the circumstance was entirely different as he was abandoned on the street by his previous owner, and no one cared for him for an extended period until someone remarkable entered the scene.

Just In Time

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Source: Animal Rescue

When a team of rescuers arrived to assist her, they were utterly stunned by the condition she was in. She appeared extremely malnourished and feeble.

However, they observed that she seemed quite joyful after encountering her new rescuers. She even began wagging her tail, which was a positive indication.

Shortly after discovering her, they resolved to bring her back to the shelter, where she would be protected until they could transport her to a veterinary clinic.

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Source: Animal Rescue

They provided her with some soft food to eat and regain her strength until the following morning, and she devoured it all rapidly.

It was disheartening to even consider how long she must have endured without nourishment, but there was no time for such thoughts now.

She Will Make It

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Source: Animal Rescue

The very next morning, they took the puppy, now named Bualoy, to the clinic where the vets conducted a comprehensive examination.

She weighed merely 1.2 kg and was profoundly dehydrated. The tests revealed that she experienced severe anemia, low blood pressure, and elevated white blood cell count.

They administered a blood transfusion as treatment, and she began to feel slightly better afterward. However, she was still infested with fleas, so they also provided her with medication for that.

The following day, Bualoy was consuming food much better and her condition was gradually improving. They chose to give her a warm bath to assist her in getting clean.

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Source: Animal Rescue

She appeared so charming, and her rescuers were delighted to observe her improvement. The vets needed to perform another blood transfusion to further enhance her health.

The vets also provided her rescuer with medication that Bualoy needed to take daily, and they hoped this treatment would resolve most of the issues for this puppy.

They were certain she was getting stronger with each passing day as she even started barking a little. It was incredibly endearing.

A New Journey

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Source: Animal Rescue

Bualoy is now consuming food much better, and her appetite is significantly stronger. The rescuer caring for her would allow her to play with other dogs in the house, and they adored her.

Her rescuer also purchased a toy for the puppy, and she plays with it constantly. Additionally, she bought her some lovely clothes, and she looks so precious in them.

What amazed her greatly was that she is also incredibly playful and sociable with other cats. This just demonstrates that Bualoy is indeed a very unique puppy.

She has evolved tremendously in merely a month and is appearing healthier each day. Her rescuers are immensely proud of the strides she has made.

Before long, she will be ready for vaccinations and will also be placed on an adoption roster so she can discover a forever home. I am so pleased to witness that everything turned out well for this pup.

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