Heartwarming Rescue: Family of Puppies and Their Parents Saved from Alley Ordeal

Written By Ash
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If you’re an animal enthusiast, then undoubtedly, one of the most generous acts you can undertake is aiding one or more of these defenseless beings.

However, if you encounter an abandoned pack of dogs and rescue them from the streets, you have forged your path to paradise.

In the narrative that follows, you will discover how a group of compassionate individuals achieved this, despite the challenges that lay before them.

Neglected Family Wandering

puppies with mother dog on the streetPin
Source: YouTube

Stephanie Boltjes is a passionate feline admirer who devoted a significant portion of her existence to rescuing these adorable beings and showering them with affection. Nonetheless, she has always been attentive to the pleas of any other creature in need of support.

It happened one day when she spotted a dog wandering close to her residence in Los Angeles. She recognized that it was a puppy belonging to one of her neighbors.

At that moment, she observed several tiny heads peeking out from around a nearby corner. Four small dogs were present, and she instantly understood that it was an abandoned family of Mixed Breeds. A mother and father accompanied by their two pups.

Without hesitation, she called for assistance – a group of female rescuers from Hope For Paws.

a dog on the streetPin
Source: YouTube

Upon arrival, these skilled women sprang into action. Initially, they attempted to coax them into a fenced yard. Regrettably, the pups were so frightened that they quickly dispersed across the neighbor’s property.

A backup strategy was crucial, as they understood that this rescue endeavor would be very challenging.

A Challenging Rescue Indeed

JoAnn, a seasoned rescuer from Hope For Paws, opted to utilize a net for capture, as she recognized that it would be impossible to save these terrified dogs using any other method.

Initially, they discovered the mother concealed among a pile of tires. JoAnn gently placed the snare around her and successfully pulled her out, placing her in a kennel.

puppy rescued in a car cagePin
Source: @firstmotherofcats

The pups were next, as the father was not visible. One puppy was tucked away under boards beside the house and, with some effort, they managed to extract him and bring him to safety. He was exceedingly anxious and nearly bit one of the rescuers.

They located another puppy nearby and promptly placed him in a kennel alongside his sibling. Another rescuer named Loreta handled this task.

two puppies rescued from the street placed in a cagePin
Source: @firstmotherofcats

Only the father was left, who was cleverly concealed somewhere, yet they suspected he couldn’t be too far away. After a few moments of searching, they eventually heard noises and hurried in that direction.

Alex Babcock managed to ensnare him with the net. He was extremely anxious and frightened, nearly biting the net, but they managed to soothe him somehow. By the way, this was Babcock’s premiere rescue. Great job, Alex!

At last, the entire family was gathered together and prepared to embark on their new journey.

On the Path to New Beginnings

The mother and father were named Cadet and Junior, while the puppies were dubbed Daisy and Brownie. This lovely family was en route to Cares, in Los Angeles, for much-needed medical care.

puppy looks away while at the vetPin
Source: YouTube

The staff there was quite busy, particularly as they needed to remove numerous ticks from the skin of these dogs.

Additionally, Cadet suffered from patellar luxation and required surgery to rectify the issue. Fortunately, all went well, and this large, joyful family reunited, all spotless, healthy, and free of ticks.

mother dog with her puppies on the bedPin
Source: YouTube

They were set to head to LA Animal Rescue where they would enjoy their joyful days together until adoption time arrived.

This is precisely how it unfolded. Besides cherishing one another as a genuine, happy family, they also shared their affection and cheerfulness with other dogs, which delighted the staff caring for them each day.

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