Existence would undoubtedly be dull if we didn’t have companions alongside us throughout our journey.
Some companions possess two legs, while others have four along with a significant amount of fur. Nevertheless, irrespective of their additional appendages, these companions can enhance our lives remarkably.
Delvia González witnesses this reality, as a puppy became her dearest friend.
Best Friends Forever
Greka is an exceptionally gentle Pit Bull who joyfully resides with her mother, Delvia Gonzalez.
Like all dogs, she adores spending time engaging in playful interactions, especially when it includes her favorite humans.
Although she cherishes all the humans she encounters throughout her life, there is one particular individual who holds a unique position in her heart.
As Gonzalez needed to work daily, someone had to look after Greka, and fortunately, she had the ideal person for the responsibility.
González’s mother, a 70-year-old lady also named Delvia, opted to care for Greka, and it was the finest choice she ever made.
“They kept each other entertained and always spent time together, playing fetch with the ball, and when they grew weary, they would start watching television together,” González shared with The Dodo.
The duo enjoyed each other’s company, and whenever Gonzalez felt unwell, Greka would stay close until she recuperated.
“My mother had diabetes, which affected her vision. She could barely see, so Greka was her support. When my mother felt poorly or when her glucose levels fluctuated, Greka always alerted me and remained beside her. She consistently lay at her feet no matter where she was,” González recounted.
Unfortunate News
The puppy remained by her caregiver’s side until the very end as Gonzalez sadly passed away following hospitalization.
“Greka was the first to enter the emergency room. She was extremely anxious and concerned for her grandmother. We wanted Greka to comprehend that her grandmother would not be coming back, and thus on the day of her burial, we brought Greka to bid farewell. We placed her close to the coffin. She shed many tears. She shivered with sorrow but sensed that her grandmother was peacefully resting,” she added.
True companions might be separated by distance, but they will always hold each other within their hearts. This was evident in a video Gonzalez shared on TikTok.
Gonzalez made the decision to display an image of her mother for remembrance, and as soon as the puppy noticed it, she refused to leave its side.
“She is very melancholic. She approaches the photo, brings the ball for her grandmother, and sits there waiting for her to toss it to her,” Gonzalez expressed.
González ensured to console Greka as much as possible, which in turn helped her find solace as well.
“I feel my mother’s presence whenever I embrace Greka or whenever she brings me her ball. Her affection for my mother has helped us stay connected through this tough journey,” she added.
However, their mother and grandmother continue to be with them, a fact affirmed during their recent visit to the beach.
Love is extraordinary. Whether between two individuals or between a pet and its owner, love possesses the ability to transcend time.
Gonzalez will eternally be present in their hearts, watching over them and ensuring they always wear a smile.