Heartbreaking Scene: Three Abandoned Puppies Found at Shelter Door

Written By Ash
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Daily, we are met with alerts from numerous organizations regarding the growing peril faced by animals and the increasing crowding of shelters. Yet, many callous individuals persist in harming their pets, and abandonment stands as one of the most tragic acts.

Regrettably, this can always escalate further, with the clearest example being those who breed dogs for monetary gain. Prioritizing profit over the affection these creatures hold, the results are often distressing.

This was the case recently when a team of rescuers discovered three trembling puppies left outside the Paterson shelter. Their ordeal serves as a crucial reminder for all of us.

Poor Little Lives

On March 22, 2024, Ramapo-Bergen Animal Refuge (RBARI), a rescue organization situated in Oakland, New Jersey, revealed a dramatic headline in their Facebook post

“!! Urgent Rescue in Progress ‼️ Sick puppies abandoned outside Paterson shelter!” they proclaimed. 

As they detailed, the little ones were in dire condition – freezing, unwell, and underfed. 

They speculated that the puppies were “some variant of micro breed of Boston terrier.” In addition, they were about eight weeks old and all of them were male

Their mother was nowhere to be found, and the rescuers had no information concerning her or the other pups. 

Nonetheless, these compassionate individuals didn’t want to delay and promptly proceeded to the hospital to deliver the vital assistance that these poor pups desperately needed. 

Glimpse Of Hope

Facebook post regarding their condition. Thankfully, the news turned out to be significantly encouraging. 

“The three tiny micro-Boston pups abandoned outside in the cold are now stable and receiving the medical attention that had been grossly overlooked,” they announced. 

In recognition of their plight, they named them Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. All three were shockingly malnourished with protruding bellies. Furthermore, they were also afflicted with an upper respiratory infection. 

Upon receiving this information, everything became apparent to the rescuers. They were now convinced that the puppies resulted from microbreeding by those driven by greed, and that their sickness “contributed” to their abandonment

“In the realm of backyard breeding, you cannot sell a sick dog,” they noted. 

This, however, only fueled their determination to assist the puppies and ensure they had a brighter future. They administered necessary medication and tender loving care, alongside the highest quality food, resulting in noticeable improvements in their well-being. 

Soon, the puppies were eligible for out-patient care in a medical foster home, providing them a better opportunity for maintaining good health. In addition to their essential needs, they were also enveloped in love, which significantly aided their recovery. 

“Alvin, Simon and Theodore are finally being cherished as valuable lives rather than discarded objects,” RBARI expressed. 

An Eye-Opening Tragedy

Their rescuers understood that the puppies would face a challenging recovery due to their health complications. Fortunately, with the support of numerous helpful individuals, the process progressed smoothly, bringing optimism for a joyous conclusion. 

“All three pups are spirited, frolicking about, playing and engaging in hide and seek one moment – then curling up and sharing affection the next,” RBARI noted in their recent Facebook post

However, just when they believed nothing could go amiss and that all three puppies were thriving, the most sorrowful moment arrived

“Yesterday, Alvin, one of the three puppies we recently rescued, passed away,” RBARI shared in their latest Facebook post from April 1, 2024. 

They reported that Alvin arrived with “a serious cleft palate, afflicted by congenital hydrocephalus and various other defects impacting his neurological capabilities.” The root of all these issues stemmed from poor breeding, ultimately leading to his demise. 

Even though it was difficult for them to endure such circumstances, those who cared for Alvin and the other puppies felt it was necessary to share his story. Their goal was not to elicit sympathy or relieve their grief but to prevent similar fates for future Alvins and countless other pups who might be subjected to such dire circumstances. 

After absorbing this narrative, it falls upon each of us to reflect deeply and determine whether it is more vital to have a little extra cash in our wallets or a heart filled with happiness because a precious life continues to thrive.

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