“Goldendoodle Demonstrates Neighborly Love by Visiting Her Best Friend”

Written By Ash
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The welcoming committee has arrived!

Everyone in this Californian community is familiar with Pita. She’s the quintessential Goldendoodle, the star of the gathering, and the kindest neighbor in the entire county.

Upon Fia’s arrival next door, Pita performed what any good neighbor would do: she stepped over and ensured her new friend felt at home in the neighborhood.

Unbeknownst to all, Pita went over to meet her soon-to-be best friend!

Rapping on My Best Friend’s Door

Goldendoodle dogPin
Source: Cuddle Buddies

Thai and Nicole have recently settled into their new abode in California. Joining them is their adopted gem, Fia, who entered their lives following a profound loss in the family. The ebony Goldendoodle proved to be a blessing for the young couple, offering a fresh opportunity to adore another canine.

As the little family got to their new residence, Thai stepped outside to chat with the neighbors. Then, he spotted her: at his back door stood a Goldendoodle, but not his own. The golden-haired Pita boldly entered and demanded an introduction with the new inhabitants.

“My husband was outside engaging with our neighbors when we noticed our neighbor’s dog showing up at our back door. Pita explored the home, met Fia, and the duo became true best buddies,” Nicole shared with Cuddle Buddies.

Pita’s guardians have no objections to her visiting Fia’s house. She still enjoys ample time back home but ensures she fulfills her friendship responsibilities. Whenever playtime calls, Pita’s at the door knocking to be let in.

This is yet another splendid example of opposites attracting. Pita is a joyful, easygoing dog, yet that hasn’t deterred her from bonding with Fia, the dog with a strong personality. They embody completely different temperaments, and they are perfectly content with it.

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