From Solitude to Friendship: The Heartwarming Encounter of a Hungry Stray Dog

Written By Ash
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Existence on the streets is far from enjoyable. Attempting to endure while seeking a cozy refuge or scavenging for leftover food can be an arduous endeavor; however, as this necessity is crucial, all animals must engage in it.

Regrettably, that is precisely what the golden canine of today’s narrative had to endure.

Survival Mode

A homeless Golden Retriever was roaming the roads of a village, searching for some sustenance. Upon discovering a slice of bread, she gently carried it in her mouth, seeking a secure spot to savor her find.

A dog enthusiast named Ayberk Ayar observed this adorable little dog with the bread in her mouth and captured a snapshot. Finding the moment both adorable and tragic, she chose to share it on her Instagram.  

Ayberk inquired among the locals about the pup, curious about how she ended up there. They informed her that the dog had been thoughtlessly abandoned and had been wandering the streets for a fortnight.  

Tracy Behnke, an intake director at Rescuers Without Borders (RWB), located in Goldsmith, Texas, noticed the photograph and instantly realized she must take action.

“We understood that she would either starve or be severely harmed. Golden retrievers simply cannot defend themselves against larger dogs. I was utterly captivated by her, and I thought, ‘We must do something for her’,” Tracy expressed.

Rescue Mission

The organization at Rescuers Without Borders called upon several volunteers to locate the pup and remove her from the streets. Upon the volunteers reaching the location where the dog was last spotted, she was nowhere to be seen.

They searched for her, and individuals reported that a man owned a golden retriever and was driving around, attempting to sell her.

Upon hearing this, the volunteers feared the worst. They speculated that the man intended to profit by selling her for breeding purposes.

With this concern in mind, the rescuers resolved to do everything in their power to find this unfortunate pup.

Thanks to the assistance of other villagers, they managed to discover her in a sort of derelict shed. It was dim and windowless, and she had no food or water.

A volunteer successfully entered and carried the Golden Retriever, now named Harper, outside in her embrace.

Once Harper got into the rescue vehicle, she realized that she was in a secure environment, allowing her to finally unwind.  

They remarked on her sweetness. She was showering kisses, which is somewhat atypical for a dog. I believe she was conscious that she was safe once again.

New Life

Harper entered foster care while the RWB team endeavored to ascertain the swiftest means to transport her to the U.S. Fortunately, everything progressed seamlessly, and after she was given her medical examinations and documentation, she was on a flight bound for San Francisco.

golden retriever in a kennelPin
Source: Rescuers Without Borders

Tracy, along with her spouse, traveled to the airport to greet Harper and welcomed her to her new country. At their first encounter, both the humans and the dog completely fell for each other.

She’s a darling. Everyone who has encountered her up to now is amazed at how affectionate a dog can be coming from such a situation.

Sadly, Harper’s previous life on the streets still lingered, as she was extremely shy and hesitant to accept food.

We offered her food, and it almost seemed like she was uncertain whether she could accept it. My husband had to end up hand-feeding her to encourage her to eat. It was as if she was thinking, ‘I don’t want to get into trouble.’

man feeding the golden retrieverPin
Source: Rescuers Without Borders

Final Word

Harper ended up in a foster home in Washington state, where she took some time to adjust to the comfort of living in a warm household.

She emerged from her shell and was like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is fantastic’. She began playing and running as if it were the most incredible experience.

two dogs lying on grassPin
Source: Rescuers Without Borders

I am confident that after a little more time, this golden girl will succeed in discovering the ideal forever home where she can forget all about her past and live the life she always merited.

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