From Fearful to Fabulous: How a Rescued Dog Transformed into a Joyful Princess Through Love

Written By Ash
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Occasionally, we overlook just how vital foster care is for animals that have been rescued.

Having endured harsh conditions before their rescue can profoundly impact these creatures. They often exhibit fear, confusion, and difficulty trusting any humans that come near.

Nevertheless, in a foster environment with a compassionate human who can concentrate solely on them, along with patience and empathy, these animals begin to understand what it feels like to be a cherished part of a family.

This is precisely what transpired with a puppy named Putri when she became a foster dog with Kelly.

Misfortunate Existence

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Source: The Dodo

Prior to arriving at Kelly’s, Putri roamed the streets without any nourishment, shelter, or hydration.

This led to her being severely undernourished, and her once stunning coat had entirely disappeared.  

Upon finally being noticed by some rescuers, they realized that without immediate rescue, she wouldn’t last long in such dire circumstances.

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Source: The Dodo

Fortunately, capturing her was not a challenging endeavor, and Putri was swiftly taken to the veterinarian.

Even though she received excellent care at the clinic, her medical team recognized that for her to heal, she would require a nurturing foster family that would commit to her well-being. That’s when Kelly came into the picture.

“She was utterly terrified, so it was decided that it would be much better for her to heal and recover in a foster environment. I told them I could take her,” Kelly shared with The Dodo.

In The Foster Home

Upon Putri’s arrival at Kelly’s residence, she was so frightened that her initial reaction was to conceal herself in the bushes.

From that moment, the bushes became her refuge.

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Source: The Dodo

Although Kelly was not pleased that her foster dog remained in the bushes for three weeks, she understood that forcing her out would only exacerbate the situation.

“Initially, I would place food outside the bushes. I noticed she was consuming the food I put out,” she continued.

Eventually, Kelly began positioning herself in front of the bushes while holding food in her hand, and gradually, Putri would venture her head out through the foliage to take the food from her palm.

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Source: The Dodo

However, Putri still did not entirely trust her.

If she stepped out of the bushes and saw Kelly watching her, she would immediately retreat to her safe spot.

“It took her quite some time, but she was gradually learning to trust. And then I thought, ‘This can’t remain as it is. She cannot live in that bush indefinitely’,” Kelly added.

Another concern for the dedicated rescuer was her other dogs. Given their cheerful and energetic nature, Kelly feared they might terrify Putri even more.

But, she was very much mistaken!

Remarkable Change

One morning, when Kelly stepped outside to check on her, she discovered Putri playing joyfully with the other dogs.

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Source: The Dodo

This marked a significant achievement for Putri. She finally began to emerge from her shell and even started entering the house in the evenings to investigate for a short time before returning to her bushes.

“The first time she laid on her side with her belly exposed was an indication that she truly felt at ease and vulnerable. For her, the most significant moment was when she could leave my home and go for walks,” Kelly explained.

Putri adored going for walks and discovering the outdoors. She had gained enough confidence to run freely and embrace her identity as a true dog.

And, upon returning home, Putri would experience the most exhilarating zoomies!

Kelly believes her other dogs significantly contributed to Putri’s transformation, acting as her role models and demonstrating what it meant to be a dog.

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Source: The Dodo

Putri transformed from a puppy cowering in the bushes to one eager for her human’s arrival home to receive affection and snuggles.

Her coat regrew, she gained a healthy weight, her self-assurance flourished, and she was thrilled to be alive!

A heartfelt thank you to Kelly for being the most dedicated and patient foster mother who guided this lovely pup to discover the beauty of life.

You are truly a hero!

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