It is a profoundly sorrowful reality that numerous dogs mature and exist in deplorable settings and situations.
Many of them face extreme negligence and brutal maltreatment to the extent that they entirely lose faith in humans, leading to depression, anxiety, and at times, even aggression.
Fortunately, a significant number of these unfortunate dogs are eventually rescued and provided with a chance to experience a joyful existence.
Among these dogs is Cricket.
A Very Sad Backstory
During her puppyhood, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier known as Cricket did not enjoy a pleasant life.
“She was discarded from a moving car at six months old, and then a squatter picked her up and confined her in a cage for nearly a year and a half,” Josh, Cricket’s owner, recounted to GeoBeats.
For the entire duration spent in the cage, Cricket was never allowed outside. She had no choice but to relieve herself within it, resulting in a filthy and despondent state.
However, upon learning about the conditions this pup was enduring, a rescuer and rehabilitator from Detroit named Josh made the decision to save her without delay.
He went to the residence where she was held and insisted that Cricket accompany him.
“I said, ‘Hey man, we have two choices here: you can either hand over the dog without charge or we can involve the authorities and unfortunately, you would lose both the dog and your home,” Josh stated.
Upon hearing this, Cricket’s former owner reluctantly handed her over to Josh, thus beginning her new chapter.
Finally Safe
Once Josh situated Cricket in his vehicle, he aimed to sweeten the day for her by promptly taking her out for some ice cream.
After her treat, Josh brought her to an open field where she could romp freely for the very first time.