From Abandonment to Hope: How One Dog Found a Loving Home After Being Left at a Shelter

Written By Ash
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One aspect that individuals often overlook when they take in a dog is how crucial it is to choose the right companion, as there is nothing more significant than establishing a bond with your four-legged partner.

Occasionally, some might adopt an animal only to relinquish it back to a shelter. In many instances, it is not the puppy’s mistake, yet it still occurs frequently.

In this narrative, we will discuss a timid shelter dog who was forsaken by his former owner before he was given a chance.

Bentley Is A Quite Timid Dog

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Source: GeoBeats Animals

As Bentley was merely a puppy, he was left behind outside of a shelter in Florida in a tiny kennel alongside his five siblings.

The personnel there undoubtedly noticed this and immediately took them in, but they were in dire need of a home.

While most of them quickly found families; Bentley was the last one left and uncertainty loomed as to when he would be adopted.

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Source: GeoBeats Animals

That’s when his new family arrived and chose to welcome him. The Gerards were quite enthusiastic upon meeting Bentley, but initially, he was very shy and withdrawn.

He first met his new mom, and relaxed a bit after approaching his dad. Bentley didn’t display it immediately, but he was delighted to be with them.

Gerard informed GeoBeats Animals: Mom adopted him, and he holds a special fondness for her.

Bentley’s Compassionate Nature

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Source: GeoBeats Animals

Once he was finally in his new household in Florida, he was introduced to his new companion, Piper. Although they had a great rapport, he would occasionally become envious when Piper received more attention.

However, Piper was blind and deaf, and also dealt with dementia, thus requiring more care, which Bentley comprehended after a time.

He became much more considerate towards Piper and his new family, particularly his mom. Whenever something was amiss with her, he would become profoundly sorrowful.

On one occasion, when she fell ill, Bentley was so distressed that he became nauseous and desired to be near her.

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Source: GeoBeats Animals

Gerard remarked: His affection for her is something I’ve never experienced before. He recognized she was unwell, and it affected him deeply.

The family takes great pride in his cleverness and has observed it on numerous occasions.

He was aware of at least 25 to 30 commands, and he also taught himself how to open the door independently. 

Nevertheless, in terms of interacting with other dogs, he remained quite shy, primarily keeping away from them unless it was Piper.

They are incredibly thankful to have him, and Bentley is fortunate to have discovered the perfect family that cherishes and cares for him immensely.

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