It is remarked for good reason that a dog is a man’s closest companion. The connection between the canine and its favorite human is among the most robust in existence, and the anguish experienced when this bond is abruptly severed cannot be articulated in words.
This is precisely how a certain couple felt upon losing track of their cherished Husky one afternoon. They searched high and low, and in their desperation, they began to fear the worst.
Nevertheless, this couple was resolute in their quest to find their pet, even opting to utilize their drone for assistance in locating him. This advanced gadget restored joy to their faces upon spotting their dog on the screen.
Yet, concurrently, the footage obtained by the drone shifted that joy to shock and disbelief.
In Good Company
A recording captured by the aforementioned drone was shared on Instagram by the user, @sailorjerrithedogtrainer. The very title of the clip indicates why the joy of the pet owners swiftly transformed into shock upon closer examination of the screen.
“The owners were utilizing a drone to track their missing husky. He was lounging with wild bears,” the Instagram user who shared the video remarked.
Indeed, you heard that correctly – this adventurous canine opted to associate with none other than a troop of large, wild bears. While many might find it charming to witness two different species coexisting, the situation somewhat changes with bears.
Not every bear is aggressive, but observing three wild bears frolicking around your precious pet is certainly unsettling. Compounding the concern, the video showcases numerous moments teetering on the brink of escalation between the dog and one of the bears.
Lucky for everyone, by the conclusion of the footage, the bears were seen tolerating the Husky despite appearing visibly irritated by his presence. Even with the suspense maintained until the very end, this fact renders the video both amusing and endearing – at least for impartial viewers.
We won’t dive deeply into the emotions of the pet parents, however.