“Dog Rescued After a Decade on a Leash Near a Cliff Breaks Down in Joy Meeting Compassionate Humans”

Written By Ash
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In the extensive realm of heartrending canine narratives, this tale will undoubtedly elicit tears from your eyes.

Maru, the most endearing dog, is the central character. And, if he were capable of conversation, I’m absolutely convinced that he’d swap all the notoriety he acquired for different life conditions.

Tethered in a secluded spot close to a perilous cliff, Maru squandered a decade of existence due to indifference. Nevertheless, he never ceased believing that a brighter tomorrow would arrive!

Years Of Isolation And Sadness

Abandoned dog sleeping next to its shelterPin
Source: @we.a.c.t

The narrative of Maru starts fourteen years ago when he was merely a tiny pup. At just a few months old, his owner acquired him at an exorbitant price and kept him with the family for four years. Then, calamity struck!

As another guardian was given responsibility for Maru, he chose to keep him tethered outdoors. Never in his wildest fantasies could this lovely boy foresee that he would spend the majority of his life confined.

He was secured on a brief leash in a compact shelter that served as a canine dwelling. It was so near the cliff that his life was in jeopardy daily.

Cute neglected dogPin
Source: @we.a.c.t

“Throughout the years, we’ve encountered numerous neglected dogs, but this site was among the most tragic. The small structure, which resembled a house to the dog, was perilously close to a cliff,” the rescue team reported on Instagram.

Unfortunate Maru spent countless years curling up beneath a small piece of metal, which effectively served as a roof. Under there, he sought refuge from heavy downpours and cold temperatures. And, regrettably, he had no choice but to relieve himself there, too.

The compassionate folks at WEACT swiftly embarked on a rescue mission upon learning his tale. What amazed them the most was the reality that Maru had been out there for years with absolutely no assistance.

Neglected dog smilingPin
Source: @we.a.c.t 

They felt profoundly remorseful for their late arrival. Maru was already advanced in age, and yet he hadn’t experienced a single opportunity to understand the genuine meaning of a warm home in the past decade. 

When the rescuers approached him, dreading the worst, something astonishing occurred! Rather than being aggressive and aloof, Maru welcomed them with the most delightful grin and a wagging tail. 

He was exceedingly thrilled to be in the company of humans as if he was attempting to convey to them how isolated and sorrowful he felt all those years.

Hope At The End Of The Tunnel

Sweet dog in a boxPin
Source: @we.a.c.t

The team promptly transported him in a crate to their facility. 

During the journey to a new existence, Maru felt quite anxious, but all of his worries dissipated once he reached the rescue. He was presented with a generous bowl of canine food that he consumed within moments.

He was intensely famished and undernourished, although his fur projected a different impression. Maru had multiple layers of fur hanging from his body that gave him the appearance of an overweight dog.

“The knotted tangle of fur that draped his body resembled armor.”  WEACT remarked.

Then came the grooming session… and another wave of sorrow!

Shaved dogs furPin
Source: @we.a.c.t

Once his matted fur was finally removed after a decade, Maru appeared like a tiny pup. He was incredibly underweight and required at least fifteen pounds to achieve his rightful size.

The remnants of his challenging life gathered over the years were apparent all over. He bore scars on his body and was missing many of his teeth. The most alarming part was – Maru was diagnosed with stage-2 heartworms.

Yet, in spite of all these hardships, he was so loving and warm – just overjoyed to be far away from that small, inadequate shelter.

Shaved dog sleepingPin
Source: @we.a.c.t

Maru still faces a lengthy journey ahead, but his caretakers will ensure to do everything possible to support him. For now, their primary objective is to keep this gentle soul as comfortable as they can. 

Making Maru’s golden years unforgettable is truly an honor, and the WEACT team fully understands how to go about it.

“WEACT will now serve as his family. We will strive to provide him with joy in a warm and secure environment,” they declared.

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