For Ashley Boggs, a dedicated dog rescuer, rescuing canines is a purpose in life. One day, she was cruising along a woodland path in Puerto Rico when she noticed a vulnerable, brown dog halting vehicles and pleading for assistance.
Unlike typical strays that frequently conceal themselves in the forest or wander along a busy street aimlessly, this specific canine was behaving unusually – as if she was urgently trying to communicate something to Boggs!
Momma Dog Pleading For Just One Thing
Upon exiting the vehicle, Ashley discovered that the dog who flagged her down was a nursing mother desperately seeking assistance for her newborn pups. Abandoned in the forest without sustenance and hydration – this tiny creature was struggling to provide for her family all alone.
Fortunately, Boggs, employed by Miracles for Satos Rescue in New York, arrived just in time to be their savior!
Apart from the mother dog, who was later named Goji, there were two additional pups concealed in the hidden location.
All three were sociable from the outset, and Boggs had no trouble securing them in her vehicle. However, she could hear more puppy whimpers emanating from the wooded vicinity, and she realized she needed to return to delve a bit deeper.