Clever Canine Caught Snatching Halloween Decor from Neighbors

Written By Ash
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Since all of the children in the Petito family have now matured, they hadn’t truly intended to fully immerse themselves in the Halloween spirit.

Nevertheless, not every single member of the clan had abandoned the custom just yet.

Eerie Season

Although the family didn’t intend to decorate their residence in a genuinely eerie manner, they began discovering random Halloween ornaments scattered across their front yard and porch.

Items such as pumpkins, ghostly figures, and Styrofoam grave markers just started materializing unexpectedly.

While attempting to determine who was bringing these items, the family ruled out their dog, Bear, as he had recently been fitted with a dog cone.

Besides the cone, the backyard is also enclosed without a clear escape route. Nevertheless, Bear managed to find a way out.

Embracing The Spirit

The enigma was solved one evening when the Petito family’s doorbell camera alerted them of movement in their yard.

Upon reviewing the camera footage, they had quite the surprise!

“When I opened the door, Bear was standing there, proudly holding a styrofoam tombstone, wagging his tail,” recounted Jennifer Petito.

It was Bear all along.

Following some investigation, the family uncovered a hole dug underneath the back fence, which allowed him to slip through, along with his cone.

It took us some time to figure out how he kept escaping.

The family also realized that all the decorations belonged to their neighbors.

Being the good neighbors they are, they took snapshots of the items and shared them on a local group chat for their return to their rightful proprietors.

The neighbors have all been wonderful so far. Everyone finds it amusing.


In an effort to put an end to his pilfering and ensure that their neighbors’ decorations remain intact, they patched the hole Bear used to escape.

We just had [a new fence] installed the other day. So, hopefully, everyone’s Christmas decorations will be protected.

Even though Bear had been caught in the act, he still managed to turn what was meant to be a rather dull Halloween into the most unforgettable one thus far for the Petito family.

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