Charming Pittie Sings His Heart Out to Favorite Tunes at Every Opportunity

Written By Ash
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I believe that each and every one of us has that singular beloved tune that we wouldn’t grow weary of even if we performed it 15 times daily.

Well, Turbo, the canine star of today’s tale, has a melody that fits that description.

Happy Birthday

black dog standing outsidePin
Source: @turbopitty

Turbo, a striking Pit Bull, possesses one tune he cherishes wholeheartedly, and that melody is none other than the Happy Birthday Song.

Although he came across it quite by chance, it was love at first hearing.

“It was 2:30 in the morning and my husband was deep in slumber. I was watching television and it was a gentleman’s birthday on the show, and they began singing, which made Turbo wake up from deep sleep to join in singing happy birthday,” shared Holly, Turbo’s owner.

 Since that moment, whenever Turbo hears that tune, he participates.

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