Abandoned Dog Struggles to Find Forever Home Because of His Coat Color

Written By Ash
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Every dog merits affection regardless of the hue of their fur. Unfortunately, numerous of these canines are continuously ignored in shelters merely because their coat isn’t deemed “trendy” enough.

The same fate befell Rick, the pup who lingered for two months at a rescue facility in Austin, Texas, longing for someone to offer him a chance.

This black lad was confined in a crate day after day due to a space dilemma, receiving only a few outings daily where he could roam and stroll. Daily, Rick endured a minor heartache, and his expectations gradually dimmed.

But then, a miracle transpired!

67 Days At A Shelter

Rick Ross the Boss Dawg, as he’s currently named, came to Austin Animal Center as a neglected dog. A random bystander reported that he was heartlessly abandoned from his owner’s vehicle and left on the roadway.

His previous owners merely drove away, leaving the pup terrified and utterly alone in this world. Fortunately, the individual who witnessed this act of inhumanity brought the dog to the facility.

“The individuals removed him from the car and just drove off,” Friends of Austin Animal Center posted on Facebook.

Kate Parker Duhon, a volunteer at the Center, instantly fell smitten with this adorable lad and made the choice to foster him. Unfortunately, shortly after arriving in the new home, Rick was discovered to have CCL tears and required surgery on both knees.

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