Abandoned Dog Overcomes Fear of Humans Thanks to Compassionate Rescuers

Written By Ash
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Inadequate caregiving and ignoring our dogs’ requirements can result in significant anxiety and fear. This precisely occurred with Kanye, a canine that experienced serious anxiety when he was taken to a rescue center.

His former guardians overlooked Kanye in the most apparent manner. I cannot even fathom what the unfortunate Kanye endured, as he was exceedingly anxious the initial time he was approached in his kennel.

Kanye Lacked Trust in People

small puppy crying in the corner Pin
Source: YouTube

Although he did not bite or demonstrate any signs of hostility towards Monica, Kanye was incredibly loud in his whimpering. He was attempting to evade her touch at all costs, likely because it reminded him of past owners striking him.

The little Kanye, still just a puppy, steered clear of interaction and bonding with other dogs. His only desire was to remain alone, distanced from humans.

This is a rather usual behavior in canines that have experienced severe trauma. They struggle to adjust to unfamiliar environments and new individuals, and often, their demeanor is sluggish.

Some even decline to consume food or water, as they do not feel secure enough to approach nourishment in the presence of others.

The Caregiver, Monica, Came To The Rescue

woman in blue petting scared puppyPin
Source: YouTube

Fortunately, the shelter caregiver, Monica, was present to rescue little Kanye from himself.

Despite being extremely frightened when she first approached him, her gentle caress was something unprecedented for him.

After a few minutes of her petting Kanye, he ceased his excessive crying and began to relax. It became evident that what Kanye needed was a compassionate, tender approach, and a bit of love. After all – aren’t all dogs worthy of that?

woman wearing pink sweater hugging small puppyPin
Source: YouTube

Though it took him some time, Kanye gradually made progress. Over time, he overcame his apprehension of other individuals.

Now he is a self-assured, joyful boy who relishes playing with his companions, and he genuinely enjoys his bond with Monica.

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