Christmas cactus: detailed guide to grow and take care of it to flourish for decades
Christmas cactus, scientifically known asSchlumbergera, is one of the most beloved plants during the winter season due to its vibrant and colorful flowering that coincides with the end of the year parties.
Originally from the tropical forests of Brazil, this cactus has become an essential decorative element in many homes around the world.
However, for this plant not only to survive, but it prosper and flourish year after year, it is essential to understand your specific care needs.
In this exhaustive guide, we will explore everything you need to know to cultivate, maintain and spread your Christmas cactus, ensuring that it accompanies you for decades.

Introduction to Christmas cactus
The Christmas cactus is a succulent plant belonging to the cacti family. Unlike the traditional cactus that we associate with desert and dry climates, this species comes from tropical regions, where it grows in humid and shaded environments.
Its flowers, which usually appear in December and January, are their greatest attraction, presenting themselves in a variety of colors that include pink, red, purple, white and intermediate tones.
This plant is ideal for interiors, since it adapts well to the conditions of light and temperature of households during winter.
However, your care requires attention to specific details to ensure that it flourishes year after year. With adequate care, a Christmas cactus can live between 20 and 30 years, becoming a lasting partner in your home.
When does Christmas cactus bloom?
The Christmas cactus receives its name for its flowering time, which coincides with the end of the year parties. Its flowers usually appear between December and January, although in some cases they can extend until February. For the plant to bloom at the right time, it is crucial to provide the appropriate conditions of light and temperature.
During autumn, the reduction of natural light hours and exposure to fresher temperatures stimulate the formation of floral buttons. If the plant does not receive these environmental signals, it is possible that it does not flourish in the Christmas season. Therefore, it is important to place it in a place where you can experience these seasonal changes naturally.
Where to place the Christmas cactus?
The location is a key factor for success in the cultivation of Christmas cactus. During winter, when the plant is in flower, it is advisable to place it in a luminous room but away from direct sunlight. An interior potter with indirect light is ideal, since it allows the plant to receive enough light without running the risk of burns in the leaves.
In summer, Christmas cactus can be moved to the outside, as long as it is placed in a partially shaded place. Excessive sun exposure can damage the leaves, so it is important to protect it during the most intense hours of sunlight. At the beginning of autumn, the plant must be placed again inside to prepare it for winter flowering.
In addition, it is important to maintain Christmas cactus away from cold air currents and direct heat sources, such as radiators or chimneys. These factors can cause floral buttons to fall before open.
How to water Christmas cactus?
Irrigation is one of the most critical aspects in the care of Christmas cactus. Although it is a succulent plant and can store water in its leaves, it comes from a tropical environment and prefers a humid atmosphere. However, it is crucial to avoid excess water, since it can cause the rot of the roots.
During winter, when the plant is in flower, it must be water regularly, keeping the earth slightly wet but not soaked. It is advisable to irrigate little by little, making sure that the water does not accumulate in the dish under the pot.
In summer, irrigation must be more frequent, especially if the plant is outdoors. A useful trick is to spray the leaves with water using a spray to increase environmental humidity.
A common mistake is to water in excess during flowering, which can cause flowers to fall prematurely. After flowering, the irrigation frequency can be reduced, allowing the earth to dry slightly between irrigation.

Soil and fertilization
The Christmas cactus prefers a soil with a slightly acidic and well drained pH. A mixture of land for cactus combined with a little mob is ideal to provide the necessary drainage and retain moisture without watering the roots.
As for fertilization, it is advisable to apply a balanced fertilizer during spring and summer, when the plant is in its active growth phase. However, it is important to avoid fertilizing during autumn and winter, since this can interfere with the formation of floral buttons. Excess nutrients can also cause excessive growth of leaves to the detriment of flowers.
Christmas cactus spread
One of the advantages of Christmas cactus is that it is easy to spread, which allows you to create new plants from an existing one. There are two main methods to spread this plant: by cuttings and through manual pollination.
Propagation by cuttings
- Cut a stem segment of approximately 10-15 cm long.
- Leave the cut out outdoors for 48 hours for the cut to heal.
- Plant the cutting in a mixture of sandy soil, burying it about 3 cm deep.
- Keep the earth slightly wet until the cuttings develop roots.
Manual pollination spread
If you have two or more Christmas cactus with flowers of different colors, you can try manual pollination to obtain new varieties. Use a small brush to transfer pollen from one flower to another. If the pollination is successful, the plant will produce fruits that contain seeds. These seeds can be planted in spring to obtain new plants.
Common problems and solutions
Although Christmas cactus is a resistant plant, it can face some common problems:
- FLOOR OF FLORAL BOYS:This is usually due to sudden changes in temperature, air currents or excessive irrigation. To avoid this, keep the plant in a stable place and avoid moving it during flowering.
- Withered leaves:It can be a sign of lack of water or excess sunlight. Adjust the irrigation and place the plant in a place with indirect light.
- Root rot:Caused by excess water. If you notice that the roots are affected, remove the damaged parts and transplant the plant to a pot with fresh and well drained land.

Christmas cactus life
With adequate care, a Christmas cactus can live between 20 and 30 years, becoming a lasting partner in your home. Its ability to bloom year after year makes it a particularly significant Christmas gift, since it can be transmitted from generation to generation.
Additional Christmas cactus care tips
- Transplant:Every 2-3 years, it is advisable to transplant Christmas cactus to a slightly larger pot to allow the roots to expand. Use a mixture of fresh land for cactus.
- Pruning:After flowering, you can slightly pruned the plant to maintain its shape and stimulate more leafy growth.
- Environmental humidity:If you live in a very dry climate, consider using a humidifier or placing the plant on a tray with pebbles and water to increase moisture around the plant.
Final thought
The Christmas cactus is a fascinating plant that can cheer your home during the holidays and beyond. With a little attention to your needs of light, irrigation and temperature, you can enjoy its beautiful flowers during many Christmas seasons.
Whether you receive it as a gift or decide to grow it yourself, this guide will help you maintain your healthy and flourishing Christmas cactus for years. With patience and care, this plant can become a lasting symbol of joy and beauty in your home. Happy culture!