If you browse the web frequently, I’m certain you’ve encountered or read about ChatGPT, Bing’s version of it, or the various manners in which artificial intelligence (AI) is employed to substitute humans in numerous tasks.
Now, what about canines? Boston Dynamics’ robotic dog, known as Spot, has been in existence for some time. The device has undergone multiple software enhancements over the years, alongside hardware upgrades by its engineers.
Jess Joho of the Los Angeles Times analyzed how well this machine stacked up against the dogs that have lived alongside us for thousands of years. Here were the tests.
1. Accessorize That Dog
The initial evaluation focused on the appearance of the bandana on the dogs and their excitement about wearing it. Clearly, Spot donned it with confidence, yet it didn’t suit him quite as well as it did Magde the Bulldog.
It’s crucial to mention that Magde, however, wasn’t overly thrilled about being accessorized. A definite success for the actual dogs.
2. (Not) Giving The Paw
Alright, hear me out… Sweetie might have had a lot going on that particular day. Perhaps she simply didn’t want to give her paw. Spot, being a more serious “dog”, led me not to expect it to just comply on cue. Maybe if Jess coded it in…
Nonetheless, the award for Cuteness went to Sweetie for her perplexed and judgmental expression when Jess reached for her paw. At least Spot demonstrated some camaraderie. Jess deemed it a Sweetie victory, but I would argue it amounts to a tie.
3. Who’s The Better Water Dog
Well done, Spot! He approached this task with utmost seriousness and opted to invigorate his internal circuits with a splash of water. No need to worry; he’s waterproof.
Beau took to the water like a duck to a pond. He enhanced the experience by submerging his head, but the ultimate canine moment was prancing through the water before biting into it. Dogged California sunshine! I was surprised Jess believed Spot would perform poorly, though. Congratulations to Beau on winning the trophy.
4. Comforting Challenges Can Get Uncomfortable
At the conclusion of this assessment, some might have realized that Judy, the Husky, wasn’t the optimal choice for this type of event. She seemed more concerned with Spot’s emotions than Jess’.
We won’t hold it against her, as Spot maintained his stoic demeanor throughout the trial. Neither outcome was particularly comforting to Jess to cease her tears, but Judy managed to smile by disregarding her. I consider it a win for the Husky, but the formal result remains a tie.
5. The Poop-Off
Don’t be too hasty in passing judgment on Dax. He had a tasty meal, and this is the result. He even managed to coordinate the waste color with his coat. He demonstrated impeccable form, but that wasn’t the objective of this challenge.
Spot claimed his initial victory for being low-maintenance (at least concerning his bathroom habits). With nothing requiring cleaning following the robot dog’s potty break, Jess concluded that Spot was the winner. Quite deserving.
6. Ooh na na, What’s My Name? The Recall(ability) Challenge
Both contenders accurately responded to Jess when recalled, but there can only be one victor. Drumroll, please. Spot is not the champion. Although he complied with the recall, he wove and wobbled on his way over. There was plenty of room for improvement.
Dax is the clear champion of the recall challenge. He was as swift as lightning upon hearing his name and reached Jess in record time. Treats may have played a role…
The Verdict
With four votes going to real dogs and two for Spot, nature triumphs with double the points. This is based on Jess’ evaluations. My scores were slightly closer together. I assigned each competitor half a point for the ties and one point for a victory.
As a representative of Pupvine, my scores are as follows – Real Dogs 3.5 : 2.5 Robot Dog. I deemed the final challenge a draw since Spot arrived unaided by treats. Who emerged as your champion and why?