“Transformative Moments: Life Before and After Welcoming a German Shepherd”

Written By Ash

If you have a German Shepherd, you are aware of how demanding they can be, yet it is entirely worthwhile. Nevertheless, if you intend to acquire one, be mindful that your existence will transform significantly, and you will need to adapt to your canine companion and his requirements.

Laura, the caretaker of a German Shepherd named Tiger, along with his pal, Leo, a Golden Retriever, publish videos on social platforms that illustrate what it’s like to reside with such breeds of dogs.

In one of her clips, Laura illustrated how her life appeared both before and after welcoming Tiger into her home, and I reckon that most GSD owners (myself included) can connect with it.

#1 Sleeping Like A Baby No Longer

Do you recall the days when you could slumber undisturbed by any sounds? Well, neither do I.

Laura appears to reminisce about those times with nostalgia, but I’m certain she wouldn’t exchange her mornings with her dogs for anything imaginable.

photo showing waking up after getting a gsd
Source: YouTube

#2 Human, Where’s My Dish

Having breakfast or any other meal by oneself is out of the question – Laura is well aware of this, as her Tiger rushes to her side every time she places a dish on the table.

german shepherd waiting for food
Source: YouTube

#3 Invitation Committee

If you have a German Shepherd, it signifies you’re never solitary. He will whine and lament most of the time when you’re gone, and will overwhelm you with affection as soon as you arrive home.

german shepherd welcomes owner after coming home
Source: YouTube

#4 You Won’t Depart In Five Any Longer

Laura illustrated one of the most significant realities of having a German Sheppie: You’ll never manage to exit the residence within a minute after acquiring a dog.

german shepherd owner helping her dog get into a car
Source: YouTube

#5 What Are You Doing, Human?

Laura’s workout sessions have become significantly more enjoyable and considerably more difficult since adopting a GSD, as he doesn’t precisely grasp what she is doing.

However, if your canine companion is always by your side during your workouts, he may eventually start mimicking you, providing you with a genuine exercise partner.

german shepehrd interrupts owner's workout
Source: YouTube

#6 Me Time Becomes Us Time

If you possess a GSD, bid farewell to your cherished spot in the home, similar to what Laura did. Nevertheless, there’s nothing quite like enjoying a TV show with your beloved furry friend, even if it means you have to perch on the sofa’s arm.

life after getting a gsd means having to share space
Source: YouTube

If you are keen on viewing the entire video and other exploits of Laura and her dogs, explore Leo’s official YouTube or Instagram profile.

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