Blue has always been an extraordinary pooch who appeared to comprehend that some individuals require a bit of additional affection occasionally.
Augusta DeKemper took Blue in as a pup from the Humane Society of Catawba County in North Carolina, and the pair has been inseparable friends ever since.
As per Augusta, it was love from the very first glance and at the first embrace.
Even though she realized he was an exceptional dog from the instant she welcomed him, the latest event at the nearby park unveiled just how unique and remarkable he genuinely is.
Sharing A Little Extra Love
The entire situation unfolded while the duo was at their local park in San Francisco, where they reside presently.
A jovial, energetic pup, Blue typically frolics and plays with other dogs at the park where everyone can see him, but this time, in a mere instant, he was completely out of sight.
Augusta felt an immediate pang of worry.
She shared with The Dodo, “I lost track of him for a few moments amidst all the other dogs in the park. It’s quite sizable and bustling with lots of canines.”
However, Blue was not actually missing or misplaced – he had merely discovered an individual in need of a little additional affection and care.
This charming boy opted to abandon playing with his canine companion and instead, decided to visit a man who was resting alone on a bench.
Blue made his way to him, settled down at his feet, and began to shower him with cuddles. That’s where Augusta spotted him:
“Blue always finds individuals who require a little extra affection,” she noted.
The elderly gentleman seemed to appreciate the affection he was getting from Blue. Clearly, Blue had sensed that a little extra care and cuddles were precisely what this man required that day.
Augusta’s heart simply melted at the sight of the duo, and she could hardly feel upset with Blue for giving her a slight fright.
“He adores greeting everyone at the park!” she exclaimed, and we’re confident that folks relish being greeted by this furry angel.
According to Augusta, Blue also enjoys “sitting on the balcony watching people” and “also loves munching on ice cubes and rolling in the grass.”
In conclusion, Blue is indeed a remarkable pooch who merits all the affection in the universe.