The renowned saying, “A dog is a man’s best friend”, has affirmed itself repeatedly, yet humanity continues to behave harshly towards these magnificent beings.
Numerous individuals who consider themselves dog enthusiasts evaluate puppies by their appearance, particularly when they are looking to adopt from a shelter.
This is precisely why Dutchess, a delightful dog with a heart of gold, anxiously awaited her new family behind kennel doors, only to be let down each time people simply strolled past her without offering her even the slightest opportunity to demonstrate her worthiness of love and compassion.
A Waggy Tail Eagerly Awaiting A Fairytale
A shelter pup named Dutchess became one of the beloved canines at the Orange County Animal Services (OCAS) due to her lively personality and uplifting spirit.
Nevertheless, this did not appear to be sufficient for her to be adopted by visitors at OCAS in search of a new pet, as all they could notice were the cysts beneath both of her eyes.
As the representatives of the organization mentioned in a Facebook update, no one even glanced at Dutchess, let alone inquire about taking her home.
Those who bothered to stop by her kennel merely made inappropriate remarks and inquiries, such as:
“She appears so unattractive.”
“What’s the matter with her?”
“She’ll never find a home.”
Fortunately, Dutchess doesn’t comprehend human language, so these remarks did not upset her at all. Instead, she remained incredibly hopeful each time a new face entered the shelter, believing that it was finally her moment to head to a forever family.
Even though OCAS couldn’t find her a new home, Dutchess was on her way with Rescue Dogs Dream, Inc. (RDD), who learned about her story and couldn’t bear the thought of her being left in the shelter for yet another day.
Foster Paradise
The grin on Dutchess’ face was a clear indication of how much she cherished her time at the foster residence.
Her foster caregiver did everything possible to ensure Dutchess’ stay was comfortable, and both the dog and the RDD were incredibly grateful.
The RDD embraced the dog with a Facebook announcement, in which they also shared all updates about Dutchess:
“We want to express gratitude to Chris Murphy for transporting her to us, and Beth Lord for fostering her. She is thriving, and is absolutely ecstatic to be FREE. She devoured a McDonald’s cheeseburger and is making herself right at home.”
A Charming Duckling Transforms Into A Beautiful Swan
Although Dutchess was already a charming pup despite the pom poms beneath her eyes, a veterinary surgeon determined it would be in her best interest to remove the cysts for her wellbeing.
Wonderful news arrived while they awaited the surgery – Dutchess discovered her forever home, or rather… her home discovered her.
More than ten applications came in regarding the adoption of Dutchess, which pleasantly surprised the RDD staff. It was uncomplicated to find the perfect family for this lovely dog, as mentioned in their update post:
“We can now proudly announce we have found her IDEAL match!! She will be welcomed by new parents who treat their dogs like children. Dad works from home. They recently lost one of their furry companions and have been seeking the right match.”
The operation was successful, and Dutchess recuperated within a few days surrounded by her new family, who provided the love and devotion she required.
Dutchess Becomes Queen Lena
Dutchess’ new guardians opted to rename her Lena, and based on how wonderfully she is doing, it seems she has been elevated from duchess to queen.
She’s relishing her life to the fullest with a caring family and a furry sibling.
Lena is a miraculous presence for her adoptive parents. They lost one dog just prior to meeting Lena, making her a true gift for them.
According to the latest update, Lena is thriving splendidly. She interacts well with the other dog and excels in canine training:
“She graduated from a level one canine training class and is enrolled in level two, and then a good canine citizen course. She’s incredibly sweet and loves to play while being around us constantly.”
Lena’s tale concluded on a happy note, yet numerous dogs remain in shelters yearning for their fairy tale.
To wrap up, I would like to share a segment of the OCAS message – something that we, as dog lovers, ought to reflect upon:
“So, approach the shelter with an open heart. Inspect each kennel. Search for Dutchess. Seek out those no one wishes for. That’s how you save a life. That’s how you create change. That’s how you transform the world for one.”