Each one of us possesses that distinctive trait that separates us from the crowd.
Perhaps you enjoy sporting brightly colored hair or layering numerous necklaces, or maybe there’s a particular morning routine you need to adhere to before commencing your day.
There are countless aspects out there that set you apart from others. The essential thing is that you accept them! If you’re uncertain about how to appreciate them yet, well… You should certainly consult Yuma!
Rocks Are Life
An adorable Golden Retriever has determined that sticks are outdated and that rocks are the real deal! Therefore, whenever she goes for a stroll, she sets out to discover the ultimate rock.
“An ordinary walk with Yuma usually consists of her nudging rocks the entire time and yelping at the top of her lungs in a very jubilant, high-pitched, valley-girl bark that only emerges for rocks,” Darcy informed The Dodo.
Her owners aren’t entirely certain what she’s vocalizing about, whether she’s taunting them or simply saying hi. Nevertheless, one thing is apparent… she will not cease.
No matter the conditions, landscape outside, or how frequently they call her, Yuma is resolute in her quest for the finest rock available. This extends to diving eight feet beneath the surface to retrieve it because they’re superior down there. Or, at least that’s what her owners speculate!
Add It To The Collection
Now, you might be curious about what this charming pup does with all those rocks. Well, they serve dual functions. The first one is used as payment for her meals.
“She will exchange a rock at night for her dinner. When it’s meal time, she’ll come inside, drop a rock onto her food dish, and signal, ‘OK, I’m ready for dinner!’ he mentioned.
All her other rocks are stored in the bank, which consists of her rock garden, naturally!